
How to host a wine blending party at home

Figuring out what to choose when you're ordering Duplin wine online is like trying to pick between unicorns and rainbows. A blend would make everything perfect, and that's exactly what lots of Duplin fans do with their favorite wines.

It was Duplin lovers who created Sangria Rosé. So many people requested glass of half Sangria White and half Sangria Red they convinced Duplin winemakers to create Sangria Rosé, a blend so delicious it earned the nickname "God Bless America."

Blending is not only a tasty adventure into Duplin wines, it's a fun party. Order a mixed case and get 10% off. Then get a few friends together and start blending. Here are some tips to get the party started:

1. Think mildly sweet wines such as Carlos white, Summertime Strut white or Burgundy with sweeter wines. For instance, try a splash of Carlos in glass of sweet and fruity Sweet Caroline.

2. Take the edge off an earthy wine such as Blackberry with an elegantly fruity, mid-sweet wine like Magnolia white.

3. Add a splash of a deeply fruitty red like Black River Red to a lighter, fizzy wine like Sweet Lily white.

4. When setting up a blending party, have plenty of measuring spoons and cups available and way for guests to record their wine blend formulas. Create a tasting sheet. And don't forget plenty of wine glasses or mini glasses so that tasters can try their creations without combinations being tainted by the previous blend.

5. Post your blends on social media and tag Duplin Winery. You never know when your experiment will end up Duplin's next great wine.   

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