Tagged with 'Family'

Duplin Winery walks to end Alzheimer’s with $25,000 donation

Duplin Winery walks to end Alzheimer’s

“We are endlessly grateful to our Duplin family of customers for helping us make this partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association possible,” Duplin winemaker Gray Fussell said. “And we were honored to walk side-by-side with them as we continue on the path to a cure for Alzheimer’s” 

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Following in his father's footsteps

Gray Fussell wasn't always sure that he wanted a career at his family's Duplin Winery. "Little by little my perspective on Duplin began to change."

Gray Fussell wasn't always sure that he wanted a career at his family's Duplin Winery. "Little by little, my perspective on Duplin began to change," Gray says. "I started to understand the significance of pouring your heart into something you love." As he prepares to lead the fourth genertion of Fussells into the winery, Gray reflects on how he landed there and why he plans to stay.

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